
I'm Peter, a Frontend Developer

View Portfolio

Slovak campsite directory

Tech Stack:

  • TypeScript
  • React
  • NextJS
  • Tailwindcss
  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • Node

Project Description:

A full-stack personal project. My main frontend goal was to get more familiar with server-side rendering, routing, authentication, and working with cookies. The next.js app is deployed to Vercel.

The node.js backend runs on the Express framework and is deployed to Heroku. MongoDB is used with mongoose ODM and is deployed using MongoDB Atlas.

The project also contains an administrative area for managing campsites. Currently, only an admin can create, edit and delete campsites, however, this can be extended to allow users to submit or edit their campsites in the future.

Forest Fire Simulator

Start a fire and watch it spread in a forest

Tech Stack:

  • Javascript
  • CSS
  • PixiJS
  • Node
  • Webpack

Project Description:

A simple app simulating a forest fire (not a thermodynamic simulation, but a game-like approximation). Built to improve my OOP skills. The visual part was done in PIXI.js and runs in WebGL (falls back to canvas if unsupported).

Battleship Game

Play battleships against a computer

Tech Stack:

  • Javascript
  • CSS
  • Jest
  • Webpack

Project Description:

A vanilla JS, object oriented implementation of the classic Battleship game. The main purpose was to get familiar with test-driven development.

Tunneler Remake

Tunneler remake with an online multiplayer

Tech Stack:

  • Javascript
  • CSS
  • Webpack
  • Socket.io

Project Description:

A remake of the classic DOS game named Tunneler. While original tunneler only had a split-screen multiplayer, this one has an online multiplayer. The main purpose was to get familiar with websockets and canvas. The tricky part is the implementation of the multiplayer. Since the game renders only 17 times per second (as the original game did), and tanks move exactly one pixel per frame, it is not possible to use timedelta and prediction to calculate tank movements. A better multiplayer implementation would be to have the logic run on the server with clients only doing the rendering. The downside is that both clients would experience a slight delay.

Various online tools made in Preact

Tech Stack:

  • Javascript
  • CSS
  • Webpack
  • Wordpress
  • Oxygen
  • Preact

Project Description:

A WordPress website with various handy online tools, ranging from SEO tools to a simple "font converter" (using various Unicode characters).

All tools are made in Preact, mainly due to its tiny bundle size. The Preact uses pretty much the same API as React.

The backend is a shared backend for multiple of my projects and is made with Python and Django (using the Django REST framework). I started working on this project before I started seriously learning JS, so the backend choice fell to Python/Django, as I had previous experience in those.

Flower Memory Card Game

Remember all the flowers!

Tech Stack:

  • Javascript
  • CSS
  • React

Project Description:

A classic memory card game, made in React. Find it too easy? Try playing without flower names or in B&W mode!

Simple Todo App

Plan your day

Tech Stack:

  • Javascript
  • CSS
  • Webpack

Project Description:

A simple frontend-only todo app made in vanilla JS. State is saved/loaded from localstorage for local task persistence.

Simple React Shopping Cart

Tech Stack:

  • Javascript
  • CSS
  • React

Project Description:

A simple shopping cart made in React.

Portfolio website

(You are here right now)

Tech Stack:

  • HTML
  • SASS
  • Javascript
  • Webpack

Project Description:

For my portfolio website, I wanted to keep it simple and static. It's a static HTML file, SASS for styling, and JS, all bundled with webpack.

Who am I?

Hi! I'm Peter, a frontend developer. I've always been close to programming, but never in a professional way.

I first started learning the basics of coding as a kid on a ZX spectrum machine. Later, I attended a secondary grammar school with a focus on programming.

After school, I started creating websites, optimising them for search engines, and monetising them. I learnt a lot of HTML and CSS in the process.

My previous experience


First tries with programming in Basic on a Didaktik ZX spectrum machine


Finished secondary education with a focus on programming and informatics


Started creating wordpress websites, focusing on SEO, ranking and monetization.

Became very familiar with HTML, CSS, and SEO. Off course, I've came across a bit of javascript as well.


Occasionally, I've used python to automate some stuff (e.g. keyword density computation) and I liked it!

2018 June

Started working as a Customer Support Specialist at Mangools

2020 April

Finished working at Mangools

2021 August

Decided to become a developer with a focus on Javascript. Active learning started.

2022 January

Had a blast learning Javascript for the past few months! Portfolio website released.🙂

What's next?

Contact me👋
Career started

2022 February

Started working as a frontend (React) developer at VecturaGames working on a onepage mapping application (tracks, waypoints, elevation graphs, ...).